The way to know buyers’ opinions of products has changed considerably in the last decades. Nowadays, brands have the chance even to observe real-time what the rating of their products is thanks to automated monitoring solutions.
No one would dare to put into doubt that the internet is one of the most revolutionary inventions of history. It has changed the way we live and has established new ways to communicate with each other. The internet started as a simple display window to read blogs and send emails but quickly evolved into more interactive websites where users were incited to participate and give their opinions.
Internet is the place where everyone can freely express their opinions, and companies know that.
In addition, since the introduction of e-commerce business, the way of consumption has been slowly migrating to the digital world. In 2017, 70% of the European population had already bought over the internet, according to the data provided by Eurostat. The industries with the most significant sales over the internet are fashion, travelling and home furniture.
Given this digital (r)evolution, most of the e-commerce business platforms started to install applications with which people can assess and rate their websites so that they can improve their performance. Getting to know the brand and product opinions of the users turn out to be indispensable. This way, you can discover the strengths and weaknesses of your products and improve based on users’ appraisals.
And the thing is that opinions are, doubtlessly, an essential source of data for you. Having a tool that tracks opinions of users can be crucial to improve both your brands’ products and image.
If you manage the opinions of users correctly, you can also improve your digital performance and, as a consequence, your company’s branding. By studying the consumers’ reviews, you can evaluate which distribution channels are adequate for you and which ones might damage your image. That is important for those companies that want to give special attention to the impact that other sales agents have on their own branding.
Some monitoring tools can keep continuous track of products opinions made by consumers. That is interesting when studying the impact that new branding campaigns have on your final consumers. Do opinions and rates improve after launching a new product campaign? How do users perceive a particular product after having started a promotion campaign?
All these questions are solved thanks to monitoring tools, with which you can also profoundly analyse brand opinions users have of you.
Nonetheless, these monitoring solutions will not only clear up all your doubts about consumers opinions of branding and products. Another of its most powerful features is to monitor the evolution of products’ prices.
You can keep track of your products catalog on the different distribution channels and watch the evolution of its sale prices. As a brand, you probably want your recommended listed prices to be respected, so this is a proper manner of knowing how products behave inside the market.
In relation to that, monitoring tools still have another attractive feature for your brand: personalized alert notifications. These automated systems periodically check the several distribution channels and detect if any price change occurred, and if you have set an alert to get notified, you will receive such information. This way, you will not miss any meaningful change that might affect your branding.