Monitoring prices is a competitive advantage for any ecommerce, and there are many ways to become more successful in the market. One of the easiest ways to be more competitive is to make sure you are charging the right price for your product, service.

What is the first step in developing a repricing strategy?

The first step is to identify your key competitive advantages. Are you known for customer service? Offer free shipping? Are your products of superior quality?The digital ecommerce ecosystem is also an important area to understand when developing your repricing strategy, it is the space where all the interactions between you and your customer occur, where you manage your business, collect information about your customers, and generate revenue, so it is important to understand how they are operating in the digital space so that you can be as competitive as possible.

But you know what else is important?​​

Developing a repricing strategy is an important first step in becoming more competitive. It will help you understand your market and identify areas where you can operate. Armed with this knowledge, you can develop a strategy for how you will be pricing your products and services in the future. This will help you identify where you are currently being competitive, and where you can be even better to increase your overall revenue and improve your margins.

Repricing strategies can include rise in prices, or a drop in prices, for example:

You can seize opportunities to raise your prices to become more competitive than the competition. For example, if an item you sell becomes limited in a period of time, you can use the opportunity to increase your prices. You can also use a repricing software to monitor your competitors’ pricing and raise your prices accordingly. 

On the other hand, you can seize the opportunity to become more competitive by decreasing your prices. This way you will attract new customers who are looking for a better deal, it will give you the opportunity to expand your customer base and help you build a better understanding of your current customers, which will enable you to better serve their needs and become more profitable.

Even better, one of the most obvious ways to become more competitive is to identify areas where you can operate differently from the competition. This could be as simple as offering a product that the competition does not have, with a higher price, and in addition, the opportunity to attract new customers and have a more relevant positioning in the market. 

Along with that you can develop a competitive repricing strategy when certain product quantities are moving. For example, if a stock that is closely associated with a certain industry is moving upward, it could lead to an opportunity to increase sales. 

You can also use Netrivals repricing software to monitor competitor pricing and raise your sales.

                                                                                                                           Name of the Author: Abla Kabbaj